Volume 5, Number 2


“Never Forget”

Apr-May-June 2012




In This Issue

Message for our HK Widows

Through the efforts of Derrill Henderson we have been informed that the War Amps will advocate for our widows now as they do for the HK veterans. They will continue to assist our veterans with their benefits as they are required. The War Amps will be sending you a permission form for them to be able to work with Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) on your behalf and an information package explaining all that they will do for you. Once they have received this letter, a package with the necessary forms to set up your file will be sent to you. Please complete these as best you can and return them to the War Amps.

Heroes Remember Website

We have been in contact with the “Heroes Remember” department of Veterans Affairs who are archiving the video interviews that were done in 1996/97. The following HK veterans have been archived on their website: (http://veterans.gc.ca/eng/collections/hrp/campaign):

Agerbak, Knud; Babin, Alfred Joseph; Barron, Reginald; Barton, Thomas; Berard, Leo;Castonguay, Bernard; Chapman, Fred; Côté, Renaud; Cyr, Roger; Dallain, Jean-Paul; Ewing, Ken; Forsyth, Tom; Friesen, Isaac "Ike"; Hunt, Arnold Joseph; Hunt, Hector; Jessop, James Robert; MacLean, Ralph;MacWhirter, William; McGee, John; Moar, James; Murphy, Leo;Peters, Abraham; Peterson, George N; Purse, Ross Charles; Routledge, Ronald John; White, Harry Leslie;Yeadon, Francis Edison; Lowe, Garfield.

Mark Your Calendars!
Convention 2013

Place: Winnipeg Manitoba, at the Viscount Gort Hotel, 1670 Portage Ave

Date : Thursday August 15 to Sunday, August 18

Keep up to date by visiting the National Convention 2013 page on our website.

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