Wpg Grenadiers
Back row, left to right: Act. CSM Frederick G. Adams; A/Cpl B. Agerbak, Pilot Mound; Pte K. Agerbak, Pilot Mound; Lieut. N.O. Bardal; A/Cpl J.F. Vickers, Sgt. Thomas Cuthill; Cpl Hollie.

Centre row: A/Sgt. W.J. Pugsley, Clearwater Man; Moore, A/Sgt E.C. Dunsford, 880 Lipton St; A/Sgt.C.T. Whalen, 649 Bannatyne ave; Starrett, Pte R. Foxall; Pte H.J. Valcourt, 219 Hartford ave, West Kildonan.

Bottom row: Delorme, Pte. J. Brady, 332 Talbot ave., and three unidentified Grenadiers.

(Note: Sgt Cuthill identified by granddaughter Jan Unrau in Nov '10)