Drawings and Poetry
Poems and drawings from the POWs. Other drawings may be found on the Lt Gilbert page (Individuals folder) elsewhere in this album
Poetry by Fitzpatrick
Submitted by the Sunstrum Family in Dec '17. Front cover of a booklet kept together with a piece of wire. 40 pages of names and addresses. Winnipeg Grenadiers and RRC. I do not know why or how but most of the handwriting is in one hand- Gerry’s- who knows. What they seem to have in common is being in camp Shampshuipo and most of them also in camp Tsurumi

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Submitted by Andrew Holland in Dec 2021

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Submitted by Andrew Holland in Dec 2021

My father who served with the British army and was a POW in HK kept a Christmas card from 1944. One of the signatories on the card was Major Ernie Hodkinson

Submitted by Bob Sweet (son, in March 2017: "The attached scan is a poem which appeared in my father's (Royce Sweet - Rifleman, Royal Rifles) autograph book. I have transcribed it as best I could given the condition of the pages. The handwriting appears to be that of my father and he credits the poem to one H. McNaughton, S/Sgt, Winnipeg Grenadiers."
This quilt (6x8 ft) made by Mr. Rumsam (RCAF) for Mat & Eve Sandford with the HK crest in the middle. Mat Sandford (RRC) was a long time secretary of the HKVA, in the 50 & 60.s. This quilt was on display at the convention in Toronto, and was sought after by quite a few members, with some willing to pay a very high price for it.

"As you probably know, both Mat and Eve, have passed away, and the quilt was given back to my wife. We have it here and we both feel that if you have a place in your organization, you are very welcome to have it. If your association is interested please let me know."

Jack & Pat Rumsam
I found your website whilst looking for information on my family, who were all POWs in Hong Kong - my mother and sisters in Rosary Hill and my father in Shamshuipo. I was interested to see so many photos of Sonny Castro, whom my father, Capt T. E. (Chippy) Wood of the R.A.S.C., often mentioned. He is dead now, but I have his autograph book which includes a drawing by Sonny Castro of himself in the role of Carmen 'Caranda" as he has it. It is dated 20th May 1943.

Kind regards
Edwina Wood
Received from Carol Hadley. Appears to have been drawn by W.B. Bradley, RRC.

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