My uncle, Arley (Arlie) Clark was a member of the Winnipeg Grenadiers. When he returned from Hong Kong, he was hospitalized at the Deer Lodge Hospital then the King Edward Hospital.. Arley died on August 15, 1947.

I believe the attached a picture was taken at the King Edward Hospital. Arley is sitting at the far right of the picture. Does anyone know who the other men are in the picture?

Arley was the son of George and Mary Clark of Carman.

Thank you.

Ruth Orme

contact: jrorme@telus.net
LCpl Quenten Mulrooney and buddy. Can anyone identify him? (Submitted by Don Mulrooney, son - March '11)
From Gerry Tuppert: "This is the index card picture of the unidentified POW in my Dad's scrapbook.It would be truly gratifying to put a name to him." Can anyone identify this POW? Please email us.
I have a picture of three soldiers ,One is Vincent Powers Royal Rifles Of Canada reference #E30720 .Hong Kong P.O.W. Died in Ontario.Age 74 Other two men I don’t know Maybe you can help. The Soldier on the left is Vincent PowersThank you from Tom Powers (Submitted Feb 2012)

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