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Five nomination forms were received, each with nominations for more than one position.

Our call for nominations clearly indicated that nominators had to obtain their nominees agreement and to request a bio be sent to me. After calling each one I determined that no one did, requiring that I phone all the nominees. I found that people did not want to run for various reason or wanted only to run for the position they presently held and not another for which they had also been nominated. It took considerable time often because the person, particularly nominators wanted to chat, but it was interesting.

Since each position has only one candidate, they are elected by acclamation thereby eliminating the need for an election. Because there were no accepting nominees for Treasurer, the new Executive can reappoint Barry Mitchell, who I understand is willing to serve again.

We think the Association is fortunate to have this fine group to serve in their positions and thank the outgoing members for their service.

C.R. [Ron] McGuire [Chairman], Sandi Cameron and Mitzi Ross

2007 National Election Nomination Commitee

II---National Election Committee Report-----
Five nomination forms were received. Many of those nominated were not interested in running, others preferred one of the other positions for which they were also nominated and/or were already serving.
The following people were nominated for and agreed to serve in the position indicated:
Derrill Henderson                          President
Murray Doull                               1st Vice-President
Helen Wedge                                 2nd   “        “
Jim Trick                                           Secretary
Those nominated for Treasurer declined or preferred another position
Since each position has only one candidate, they were elected by acclamation thereby eliminating the need and expense of an election. Because there were no accepting nominees for Treasurer, the Executive can and, has reappointed Barry Mitchell to serve again.
We thank those who took the time to nominate their fellow members and, Carol Hadley, our outgoing President, for all her hard work during her three terms.
We congratulate our new Executive and thank them for agreeing to serve their Association in these important positions. We encourage other members to consider serving in some capacity in the future and to inform the Executive of their interests.
C.R. [Ron] McGuire [Chairman], Sandi Cameron and Mitzi Ross

2007 National Election  Committee


(signed paper copy on file with HKVCA Secretary)