Good Afternoon Everyone:


            My name is Barry Mitchell and I am the Treasurer for the National


HKVCA as well as the Manitoba HKVCA. I am the son of WG Lieut. Vaughan


Mitchell and nephew of WG Lieut. Eric Mitchell, both from Winnipeg and


both  buried in Sai Wan Bay Military Cemetery.



            I have available copies of the audited financial statements for the


Hong Kong Veterans Commemorative Association for the year ending


December 31, 2010. I would like to read some of those numbers into the


records and offer a few comments along the way. Hope you can stay





            The Commemorative Association operates with 2 bank accounts, a


General Account and a Book Account.



            Each month I prepare a statement for the national executive which


shows the status of each account---where the money came from and where


the money went---plus a consolidated summary of those accounts to


complete a monthly snapshot of our financial position.

            The audited statement I referred to is prepared each year by the


Winnipeg accounting firm of Heisinger & Montgomery, and they do so for a


very small fee which I doubt covers their expenses. I truly appreciate the


service provided by Jim Montgomery as I value the opportunity to have our


books examined from the outside.



I am going to mention a few items in the audited statement for your


clarification. I should point out that the drive for funds for our Memorial Wall has been underway for over 3 years and the donations received have had a significant impact on how our financial statements appear. This drive for funds has truly been remarkable. Our first quote to build a wall was $60,000, but once we found out how to properly build a national monument, costs escalated considerably and when all is said and done, we will likely have spent in the neighbourhood of $450,000 to see this beautiful memorial finished.

            I must say, that while it was a lot of work, I am truly amazed and gratified in the way you folks and the public in general, responded in our quest for donations. Over 1,100 individuals sent us a donation with a handful of corporations and government departments playing their role as well. I extend my sincere thanks to all those who helped us bring this dream into reality.



            However, this is not a report on the Memorial Wall but a statement on


the whole operation of the Commemorative Association. The Memorial Wall


certainly influences the appearance of the financial statement but will be


 reported on separately.



            First, on the Balance Sheet:




General Account and Book Account now starting to reflect closer to

           our normal levels of activity with the Memorial Wall project starting 

           to wind up  But it also represents the dues collected each year

from members across Canada. On December 31, 2010, we had


$36,531 in the General Account and $6,038 in the Book Account.





have for sale but also includes videos, crests and grave markers. At


the end of the year we had over 300 books in inventory.





which is a sizeable decrease over the $173,779 in 2009. This

decrease can be attributed to the winding up of the Memorial Wall    project.



·                     We have almost no Current Liabilities as we almost always pay cash

     for all our expenditures.








publish 4 times a year. This is a significant aspect of our


communications as we have one national newsletter whereas previously we had various Regional newsletters. Each Region

supplies the Editor with news and information and we are able to


print and mail about 1,000 copies to our members four times a year


at a total cost of just over $2,600. A growing number of our members now receive the newsletter online and that saves us considerably in both printing costs and postage.






            In summary, the Commemorative Association has had a good year


financially from the standpoint that we have been able to meet all our


obligations and pay our bills in a timely fashion. I am referring here to all


our activity outside of the Memorial Wall project which as I said  will be


reported on separately. We submit a report to the Canada Revenue Agency


each year as a Registered Charity and each year we have met our


expenditure requirements.





            Mr. Secretary, I present to you the December 31, 2010 audited


statement for the HKVCA, to be entered into the Minutes of the Annual


General Meeting.



            Barry C. Mitchell


National Treasurer











HKVCA—Convention Notes—HKVCA –Granby, 2011