The Queen's Diamond Jubilee MedalAs many of you have heard, the Queen’s 60th Anniversary occurred on February 6th 2012. To mark this auspicious occasion a new medal was struck. This Diamond Jubilee Medal is a tangible way for Canada to honour Her Majesty for her service to this country. At the same time, it serves to honour significant contributions and achievements by Canadians.
Our HK Veterans, members of C Force, fought in the defence of Hong Kong in World War II against overwhelming odds, endured torture, starvation, disease, and slave labour to ensure that Canada remained free. Their return home was to continue to fight for support and benefits from their beloved country because of the lasting effects of the horrific treatment they received from the enemy. As children and family members and friends of C Force we are extremely proud of the courage and sacrifices the men and women made on our behalf. Here is a list of the surviving Hong Kong Veterans on February 6th, 2012 who we will honour with this prestigious medal: Alfred J. Babin, Robert B. Barter, Eric Batley, William Bell, Graham
Boudreau, Bruce Cadoret, Edward Campbelton, Les Canivet, Robert (Flash)
Clayton, Fred Cooper, George Coutts*, Charles Dallain, Paul J. Dallain,
John Dearden, Tom Dewar, Philip Doddridge, L.T.S. Doull, John Dugay,
Hormidas Fredette, Horace (Gerry) Gerrard, Harry Hawryshok, Richard
Johnson, Reginald Kerr, William C. Krohn, Paul J. Laflamme, Eugene
Lapointe, John Lowe, Allison MacDonald, Ralph MacLean, William
MacWhirter, Eric J. Maloney, John McGee*, Bill Muir, Jim Murray*,
Cornelius Nickel, George Nobiss, Wallace G. Normand, Lloyd O'Leary,
George Peterson, Arthur(Ken) Pifher, Allison Pollock, Douglas Rees,
Lawrence Ross, John Roussel, Arthur Schwartz, Gerald J. [Sunny] Sunstrum,
Dempsey Syvret, Bernard M Thompson, Daniel Thompson. The members and friends of HKVCA took on the task in 1995 to “to
educate all Canadians on the role of Canada's soldiers in the Battle of
Hong Kong and on the effects of the internment of the battle’s survivors
on both the soldiers and their families. We also assist in the support
and welfare of Hong Kong veterans and their widows.” Here is the list of the HKVCA members who will receive this
prestigious medal: George Macdonell and Mike Babin were nominated by Senator Vivian Poy.