Indigenous Veterans and Resources

Many Indigenous persons, peoples, and nations are making efforts to reclaim their histories after generations of being erased from Canadian historical writings, which often under/misrepresented Indigenous personal, familial, and national histories from the records—especially from military records and histories. Indigenous-led efforts to reclaim and write these histories is an important part of reconciliation and living in good relations with each other today and tomorrow.

In an effort to support the reclamation of Indigenous histories, the HKVCA is conducting a project entitled, “HKVCA Indigenous Veterans Project” which launched in 2024. The purpose of this project is to research the lives of Hong Kong Veterans who have Indigenous ancestry to support families of Indigenous Veterans in reclaiming their histories and to promote awareness of Indigenous participation in ‘C’ Force. The results of the research conducted as part of this project are being made available on the HKVCA website. The HKVCA emphasizes that this research is meant to be a support to families and is not meant to be prescriptive or determining of a Veteran’s identity, membership, and/or citizenship to a specific Indigenous Nation.

The HKVCA is grateful to the Metis Veterans Legacy Program for the funding to support this Project.

Errors or omissions should be reported using the "Contact Us" form linked from the top of this page. We know that we are missing many names, and we urge family members to contact us.

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Indigenous Veterans of 'C' Force

We've found 110 results.

Regimental # Rank First Name Last Name Métis/First Nation Band
H41746PrivateAngusAIMOERed River Métis
H41728PrivateJosephATEAHRed River Métis
L13725PrivateGeorgeBADGERSaulteauxCote First Nation, SK
L2957PrivateEdgarBAPTISTECreeRed Pheasant First Nation, SK
H20873PrivateOliverBARRONRed River Métis
H6618PrivateGeorgeBELCOURTRed River Métis
H17500PrivateVictorBELCOURTRed River Métis
H77586PrivateRobertBLANCHARDRed River Métis/Anishinaabemother from Sagkeeng First Nation, MB
H41902PrivateWilliamBOULETTERed River Métis/Creemother from Hollow Water First Nation, MB
H41568PrivateAlbertBOYERRed River Métis
H75144PrivateLucienBRAZEAURed River Métis
H6199Lance CorporalCliffordCARPENTERRed River Métis
H41683PrivateWilfridCHABOYERRed River Métis
H41688PrivateDavidCHABOYERRed River Métis
H63696PrivateMarcelCHABOYERRed River Métis
H41862PrivateAlexanderCONTOISOjibway/DakotaLong Plain First Nation, MB
H6758PrivateGeorgeDELORMERed River Métis
H6870PrivateJosephDELORMERed River Métis
H6750PrivateLeonDESLAURIERRed River Métis
H6892PrivateHarryDRURYRed River Métis
H20841PrivateWilbertDUBOISRed River Métis
H6035PrivateJosephFALCONRed River Métis
H20803PrivateAlexanderFAVELCreePeguis First Nation, MB
H6205PrivateJamesFIDLERRed River Métis
H6808PrivateRaymondFIDLERRed River Métis
H6911PrivateHerbertFOLSTERRed River Métis
H70208PrivateDonaldFOLSTERRed River Métis
H6075PrivateEdwardFREEMANRed River Métis
H6787PrivateDonaldFROBISHERRed River Métis
H41793PrivateWilliamGLADUERed River Métis
H6895PrivateLawrenceHALLETTRed River Métis
H41694PrivateFrancoisHAMELINRed River Métis
H41892PrivateAlfredHAMELINRed River Métis
H17667PrivateFrankHARDINGRed River Métis
H6825PrivateWilliamHARDISTYRed River Métis
H6219PrivateWilliamHARKNESSRed River Métis
H6542PrivateWilliamJEFFERYRed River Métis
H6641CorporalDouglasJEFFERYRed River Métis
H6503PrivateMarcienLAFORTUNERed River Métis
H6109PrivateGeorgeLAMOUREUXRed River Métis
H6289PrivateGordonLANDRed River Métis
H6295Lance CorporalRoyLANDRed River Métis
H41654PrivateGabrielLAPLANTERed River Métis
H75223PrivateRomainLAPLANTERed River Métis
H6677PrivateMauriceLAPOINTERed River Métis
H6506PrivateJosephLARIVIERERed River Métis
H6744PrivateFrederickLAVALLEERed River Métis
H41865PrivateErnestLAVALLEERed River Métis
H41704PrivateLawrenceLEWISRed River Métis
H6741PrivateCliffordLINKLATERRed River Métis
L28212PrivateFredMALBEUFRed River Métis
L28224PrivateErnestMALBEUFRed River Métis
H41861PrivateCharlesMARQUISRed River Métis
E30167RiflemanPaul (Polycarpe)MARTINMi’gmaq Listuguj, QC
E30760RiflemanHenryMARTINMi’gmaq Listuguj, QC
H6245CorporalArthurMCCORRISTERRed River Métis
H26245PrivateCalvinMCCORRISTERRed River Métis
H26247PrivateMervinMCCORRISTERRed River Métis
H6885PrivateAlfredMCIVORRed River Métis
H41738PrivateWalterMCLEODRed River Métis
E30097RiflemanPatrickMETALLICMi'gmaqListuguj, QC
E29862RiflemanFrancoisMETHOTMi’gmaqListuguj, QC
H41564PrivateHenryMILLITAIRERed River Métis
H41860PrivateJamesMOARRed River Métis
H6181Lance CorporalGeorgeMONTROYRed River Métis
H6621PrivateBertrandMOORECreeMoose Cree First Nation, ON
H20809PrivateEdwardMORRISSEAUAnishinaabeSagkeeng First Nation, MB
H41731PrivateAlexanderMORRISSETTERed River Métis
H41648PrivateJohnMOSIONIERRed River Métis
H6157PrivateLeonardMULVANEYRed River Métis
H6629PrivateThomasMULVANEYRed River Métis
H6755PrivateJamesMURRAYRed River Métis/Saulteaux
H41776PrivateAntonioNEAULTRed River Métis
H6507PrivateRogerNOBISSRed River Métis
H41778PrivateMaxwellNOELDakotaBirdtail Sioux Dakota Oyate, MB
H41666PrivateJosephOIGEOjibwayPeguis First Nation, MB
H6932PrivateHarryORVISRed River Métis
H6526PrivateJosephOUELLETTERed River Métis
L2858PrivateWalterPARENTEAURed River Métis
L41404PrivateRobertPARENTEAURed River Métis
H6855PrivateAimePAULRed River Métis
H6871PrivateJosephPAULRed River Métis
H20021PrivateWilliamPAULRed River Métis
H40700PrivateErnestPAULRed River Métis
H20829PrivateLouisPEPPINRed River Métis
H6359PrivateFerdinandPOITRASRed River Métis
H41845PrivateVictorPROULXRed River Métis
H6597PrivateMarcelROBIDOUXRed River Métis
H6909PrivateJosephSAMSONRed River Métis
H41818PrivateIsaacSANDERSONOjibwayPeguis First Nation, MB
L2862PrivateGeorgeSAYERSRed River Métis
H6609Lance CorporalRaymondSELLERSRed River Métis
H6441Staff SergeantCliffordSETTEECree
H6685CorporalThomasSINCLAIRRed River Métis
H41699PrivateAnthonySIOUXRed River Métis
H6910PrivateGeorgeSMITHRed River Métis
H41690PrivateVictorSMITHRed River Métis
H41715PrivateFrankSMITHRed River Métis
H6049PrivateAlfredSPIERRed River Métis
H41600PrivateThomasST GERMAINERed River Métis
H6352PrivateGeorgeSTODGELLRed River Métis
H6353PrivateStanleySTODGELLRed River Métis
H6688PrivateGarnettSTODGELLRed River Métis
H75233PrivateCliffordTHOMASRed River Métis
H41797PrivateRobertUTECHRed River Métis
L2860PrivateUrbanVERMETTERed River Métis
L2867PrivateEarlVERMETTERed River Métis
H16116PrivateLeonardWATSONRed River Métis

Resources for Indigenous Study

Below is a list of sources and readings which provide information on Canada’s Indigenous people and contemporary issues, and historical information about the involvement of Indigenous people in Canada’s military.

Reconciliation in Canada Rights and Reconciliation
Reports of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission including Calls to Action

What Reconciliation Is and What It Is Not

University of Alberta – Indigenous Canada Métis History
First Nations Soldiers Indigenous Veterans – Equals on the Battlefield, but Not at Home
Government of Canada Indigenous Peoples and the World Wars
Historica Canada