Historical References and Links

Historical and Statistical Documents


There are a multitude of articles and books written about the Battle of Hong Kong. Some examples that we host on our site are below. You may also want to check out the References page on our 'C' Force site. Of course, our Suggested Reading page is worth a visit, as well.

Official History of the Canadian Army in the Second World War

This volume (large PDF) provides a "big picture" view of Canada and World War II. Of specific interest to those following 'C' Force, is chapter XIV: The Defence of Hong Kong December 1941.

Personal Accounts



Battle History

Tony Banham - Battle of Hong Kong Background. Thanks to Tony for permission to produce this document on our website.

Canadian Participation in the Defence of Hong Kong, December, 1941 - produced by the Historical Section Canadian Military Headquarters

RRC War Diary (PDF)

External Links

VAC: Canadians in Hong Kong

Face To Face: Should The Canadian Government Have Sent Troops To Hong Kong? J.L. Granatstein and Carl Vincent Legion Magazine, January 2015

HONG KONG: The Inside Story Of Canada’s Role In A Doomed Garrison J.L. Granatstein Legion Magazine, November 2011

Dec. 7, 1941 marks Hong Kong battle blunder by C.R. McGuire. The Wayback Times (broken link removed)

Other Nations and Forces

Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps

A Record of the Actions of the HongKong Volunteer Defence Corps in the Battle for Hong Kong December, 1941 (PDF)

This document was found in the belongings of a Canadian Hong Kong veteran and forwarded to us by his daughter in March 2024. The pages were scanned then grouped into a series of PDF documents.

  1. Part 1 (20 pages)
  2. Part 2 (20 pages)
  3. Part 3 (20 pages)
  4. Part 4 (one page)

More information on HKVDC