Contacts and Membership

Contact Us

Changed your address or have a question? Send us the info using the "Contact Us" link at the top of this page.

Membership Information

Who Can Join?

Membership is open to anyone and based on purchasing an annual share for $20.00 which entitles the member to receive newsletters, attend meetings and conventions.

How to Join - Two Options

Register and Pay Online - use Interac E-transfer - see instructions below.


  1. Print our Membership Form (PDF)
  2. Fill it in
  3. Mail it to one of the membership contacts below (from your region), enclosing your $20 membership cheque.

Just Renewing?

Pay Online using E-Transfer. We'll update your account.


Mail your cheque ($20/year) to your membership rep listed below.

E-Transfer Instructions

Please read the instructions below carefully so we can quickly process your application or renewal.

You can make an e-Transfer as follows. Note that each bank will have slightly different methods of setting up the transfer:

  1. Login to your online banking application,
  2. Navigate to the Interac e-Transfer section,
  3. Add a payee HKVCA by copying and pasting the email address below for your selected Region:
    • BC:
    • Prairie:
    • Ontario:
    • Quebec:
    • Atlantic: not yet in operation
  4. Transfer your funds. Please include the following information in the Message Section:
    • If paying dues, the years covered, along with the name of the contributor(s),
    • Your email address,
    • Changes to your membership details if any,
    • Donation amount, if included,
    • Merchandise order payment, if included.

The e-mail is set up for Auto Deposit, so no Security question or answer is needed which makes it a simple procedure. You will be notified at the e-mail address you designated that a deposit has been made.

If you run into a problem or have a question, just fill in the "Contact Us" form linked from the top of this page.

Read our Membership Policy

Membership Contacts

Atlantic Region

Andy Flanagan
91 Hodgin Street East
Belledune, NB
E8G 2E4

Quebec Region

Lucette Mailloux-Muir
18 rue Barre
Granby, QC 
J2H 2E6

Ontario Region

Lori Atkinson Smith
946 Wyldewood Rd.
Sherkston, ON 
L0S 1R0

Prairie Region

Barry Mitchell
P.O. Box 381
Winnipeg, MB
R3C 2H6

BC Region

Murray Doull
258 Elliott Road
Clearwater BC  V0E 1N2

Global Memberships and General Correspondence

Corporate Office
Suite 164
1826 Robertson Road
Nepean, ON
K2H 1B9 

Current Membership Stats

Updated: March 2025

Membership Region R W Total
Atl 55 3 58
BC 18 4 22
ON 133 10 143
Pr 172 12 184
QC 54 14 68
Total 432 43 475

W: Widow
R: Regular