General Meetings and BOD Meeting Summaries

2018 AGM

December 8, 2018

Minutes (PDF)


Opening Ceremony

  1. HKVCA Opening Protocol


  1. Call to Order (Mike Babin)
  2. Presentation / Acceptance of Minutes from last AGM (Lucette Mailloux Muir)
  3. Business Arising from the Minutes (Mike Babin)
  4. Presentation / Acceptance of Financial Statement, Auditor’s Report (Mike for Barry Mitchell)
  5. President’s Report (Mike Babin)
  6. Regional Reports
  1. BC (Lucette for Gerry Tuppert)
  2. Prairie (Lucette for Carol Hadley)
  3. Ontario (Mike Babin)
  4. Quebec (Lucette Mailloux Muir)
  5. Atlantic (Lucette for Bernard LeBlanc)
  1. Election Results (Mike for Kathie Carlson)
  2. Our Focus for the Upcoming Year (Mike)
  3. New Business/Questions from Floor (Mike)
  4. Adjournment
Closing Ceremony
  1. HKVCA Closing Protocol


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