2020 AGM - Region Reports


Reviewing our 2019 region area happenings its clear that the passing of our only HK veteran, Gerry Gerrard on May 22nd had the biggest impact on our membership. Gerry contributed many articles to our website and his stories and accounts will continue to enlighten the public on the Canadians role in Hong Kong for generations to come.

At this point in time we have 13 HK widows who are still with us and we send them warm greetings and well wishes from our membership.

We Will Remember Them.

Following in the footsteps of our very successful national HKVCA commemorative plaque program three plaques were installed by the following people in the these locations:

Murray Doull, son of HK veteran llewellyn (Bill) Doull RRC, in Clearwater, BC.

Len Cotton son of veteran Joseph Cotton, RRC, in Kelowna west bank location.

Mona Thornton daughter of veteran Joseph Frenette,RRC in Penticton,BC.

All plaque installations no matter how formal the ceremonies contribute to the educational component of our mission statement and help raise public awareness of the Hong Kong story. We thank those who have taken time to do so and invite other members to investigate the possibilities in their home towns.

In the spring of 2019 the Homecoming theme was adopted for the upcoming national convention in 2020. Also a project was launched for a book of remembrance to commemorate the 75th anniversary of their homecoming.

Although everything has come to a grinding halt in March of 2020 that theme and the book helped to keep our focus positive and now we all look forward to the convention in 2021.

Stay safe everyone as we all remain together in remembrance.

Respectfully submitted by:
Gerry Tuppert


Prairie Region has 164 regular members, 22 widows and 1 veteran for a total 187 members. We hold regular monthly meetings in Winnipeg with minutes of these meetings distributed to our email members to keep them informed and emails for any extra events or changes as needed. Norma Fuchs had lunch with Ralph MacLean and his family on November 11th, 2019. The gatherings are held in Alberta under the direction of Kathie Carlson and her area reps. Regular quarterly communication is maintained with our members through the national newsletter.

George Peterson celebrated his 99th birthday in February. He is in a care centre and only family were able to attend. His daughters decorated his room including a cake and as with all the Vets at Deer Lodge, he was presented with a quilt with his name on it.

We were saddened to lose some dedicated members since last report:

From November 2019 until February 2020, Paul Dartnel from Legion 215 made a Remembrance Display for the Battle of Hong Kong which received a lot of interest. I spoke to a couple of groups in November and was the guest speaker at the November 11 service at Charleswood Legion, Winnipeg.

Winnipeg Grenadier Cadets involve us in the review at the Battle of Hong Kong Parade and I was asked to speak to the cadets on December 4th at Minto Armouries.

We advocate for families that have issues regarding the veterans. I commend Veterans Affairs, Last Post and War Amps for their dedication and assistance in resolving these issues.

To date there have been Commemorative plaques dedicated in:

  1. Alberta - Cardston, Edmonton, Regina, Calgary Legion, Calgary Col Belcher Home, High River, Red Deer and Medicine Hat.
  2. Saskatchewan - Moose Jaw, Saskatoon, and Estevan. Thank you to Kathie and John Carlson, their family and our HKVCA members in these provinces for their efforts and travel.
  3. Manitoba – Swan River, Mafeking, Selkirk, Russell, Winnipeg Neil Bardal Centre, Pilot Mound, St. Laurent Metis Branch, Stonewall Veterans Memorial Sportsplex, Stonewall Quarry Museum, Prince Edward Legion Wpg, Fisher Branch, John Osborn VC ANAF, Portage La Prairie Legion, St. James Legion, Lundar Legion, St. Lukes Church, Lac du Bonnet Legion, Brandon Legion, Eriksdale Legion and Charleswood Legion.

We have 3 locations on hold due to the virus – ANAF 283 Winnipeg; Carman Legion, Carman, MB; and Sioux Lookout, Ontario. Thank you to our members for requesting the plaques for their Communities. We continually meet families of our veterans and we have available membership information for them to join.

So, in total, we will have plaques - 8 in AB, 3 in SK and 20 in MB with 3 on hold for a total of 34. Thank you to the Colour Party (Vince, Stan Lopata and Alex Taylor) and Marilyn Gelinas/Marleen Bell and Barry Mitchell and Allan, my chauffer/husband and all our members for attending the MB plaques dedications. As a result of Dan James posting the events on FB, and Jim Trick on our website we have some excellent coverage of the events.

We have arranged with the Manitoba government to have the HKVA flag fly at the Cenotaph in August and December. Tentatively on November 11 there will be a wreath laid at the Convention Centre with Barry Mitchell and escort Wayne Stebbe. Our members around Manitoba will be laying wreaths also and hopefully pictures will come in to put online or in the newsletter.

Due to the COVID19 virus many events are cancelled or on hold. However, we are waiting to see if something will be held by the Provincial Government on August 15 for VJ Day. We will be inviting our members to gather at the Cenotaph for a brief service, weather permitting.

We will be holding our 75th Annual Meeting in October if permitted by our government medical people with a guest speaker and a reception.

Big thank you to Kathie Carlson for once again being the HKVCA Election Chair. Welcome to Greg Auld, our newest Board member from Okotoks, AB – happy to have you with us.

Respectfully submitted

 Carol Hadley


We had a few things happen in Ontario in 2019.

In June, we had our traditional Luncheon in Niagara Falls hosted by Pam Newhouse. Nancy Hamer Strahl, one of the teachers who taught in Durham and had a series of lessons on the Battle of Hong Kong, was asked to speak. Nancy was also part of the contingent who led students on a tour of Hong Kong in 2005 where a time capsule was placed just outside Sai Wan Cemetery.

There was also a display unveiled at the Niagara Military Museum in regards to the Battle of Hong Kong. There was also an opportunity to install a Plaque which was unveiled at the opening of this display in September. We were able to install a plaque in Gravenhurst, ON at Royal Canadian Legion Branch #302 in early 2019. We were also able to install a Plaque in Red Lake, ON at Royal Canadian Legion Branch #102 as part of their Remembrance Day Ceremony in November.

In November, we had a luncheon in Toronto at the Royal Canadian Military Institute. The luncheon was followed by a presentation about Kay Christie, one of the Nursing Sisters who were in Hong Kong. This was followed by a tour of the Institute, which Included a permanent display they have to Kay Christie, and the medal set of Brig. John Lawson.

In October, Mike Babin attended a commemorative ceremony organized by the Royal Hong Kong Regiment (The Volunteers) and took the opportunity to speak briefly.

I would like to thank Mike Babin and Lori Smith who, along with myself, have served as your Executive for quite a few years. We feel honoured to serve you and represent you in Ontario

Respectfully submitted by

Mark Purcell


Greetings from Quebec Region,

In early March, our region’s executive held their 2018 year end meeting and presentation of all reports. The Financial report was read and accepted as presented. Our Membership report showed four (4) new members joining our Hong Kong family. All other reports on sales of our RRC in HK book and others were presented and accepted.

During the year, we send birthday greetings to our members and for the Holiday Season, greeting cards are also mailed to all our veterans and widows. With time, age and travel difficulties for many to attend meetings or reunions, we continue to keep all our members informed by sending a quarterly newsletter with local news and information. Thank you Phil Doddridge for your continued and appreciated participation with your news. We thank all members for choosing email listing to help us save money and we continue to publish the paper copy version for those who require it.

In June, with brief respectful ceremony, we held presentations of our HKVCA plaque to five (5) Royal Canadian Legion branches in the Gaspe District and one (1) at the Bay Chaleur Military Museum in New Richmond, QC. These plaques were greatly appreciated by all and many questions of interest were answered. All in all it was a very pleasant time. Other presentations are being planned for 2020.

Many members paid their respects to our veterans in November by laying wreaths, flowers or flags at grave sites or cenotaphs in their local area.


That will be it at this time. Take care.

Respectfully submitted by

Lucette Mailloux Muir
Director, Quebec Region


Hello everyone from beautiful Cape Breton. It has been a different year for many of us and has changed how we do many things. Our membership numbers have been staying the same has previous years but losing a few each year. We had two Legions; Truro Legion Branch 26 and Arichat Legion Branch150, that I had the opportunity to place HKVCA Commemorative plaques in Nova Scotia. There is one Legion that is pending later this year.

We still have one remaining veteran in Nova Scotia (Mr. Hormidas Fredette) and he turned 103 this past April. I have the pleasure of calling him now and again and is always willing to talk and is quite an avid reader still. He is living with his son,Brian, at home. He is still mobile but gets around with a walker. Whenever this virus allows, I will try and go visit him and spend time with him. His memory is still sharp for his age. He has many recollections of some of the events.

We have one veteran in New Brunswick; Eugene Lapointe RRC who is presently living in a Long-Term Care facility in Dalhousie, New Brunswick. Talked to the daughter (Marsha McGraw) of Eugene LaPointe (RRC) and she informed me that Mr. LaPointe, now 96, is doing well. He is living in a home and is well taken care of. His daughters pay visit to him as often as possible in these trouble times.

I hope all have a wonderful fun and safe summer and hope to see many at the 2021 Convention.

Yours truly,

Bernard LeBlanc
Atlantic Region Director.

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