Note from the webmaster: this page receives very few hits which indicates
low interest. Future meeting minutes will be published on request. If you
wish to view the minutes of a specific meeting, please let us know by
submitting your request via the "Contact Us" link at the top of this page.
Mike called the meeting to order at 8 h 41 pm.
Approval of the Minutes of February 24, 2021, it was
proposed by Carol to accept the minutes as published and seconded by
Bernie. Carried.
Business arising from the Minutes
Online Services - Mike discussed issues with Jim and he is working
on them.
Métis Commemorative Project (Mike) The Métis Commemorative
Association has the funding which we may be able to tap.. Pam
Henirichs is drafting a letter to our members requesting them, on a
voluntary basis to give give us names of veterans of Indigenous
heritage. Will take this sensitive matter one step at a time.
Financial Statement
Barry presented the Financial Statement for February 28, 2021. Having
no questions Barry moved to accept the statement as presented. Seconded by
Mark. Carried.
Web - Jim - Facebook is down but should be running very soon.
Online Services - As of March 20 received one response to my request
for help fixing issues on the online services. No progress made, will
continue as is to year end. Current drafting specs for 'Version 2'
application and will ask for input later this month. Once approved by
the BOD, will search for a developer to take on the task along with
finding out the cost with the aim of being ready for use by end
November 2021.
Newsletter - Jim sent out the Spring edition with 381 online
deliveries with 121 emails not read. Mailed 115 paper copies in Canada
and 8 to the US. Membership - We presently have 442 Regular members, 5
Veterans, 78 Widows for a total of 525 members.
New Business
Virtual Events Program - Mike gave a report on our first Event.
169 registrations were received and 130 attendees joined. People were
very interested and many questions were also asked. Very good response
on the survey. Overall comments were very positive.
Virtual contribution from the War Museum (Gail) - No update.
Virtual Mapping Project (Mike) - Nathan Kehler, a cartographer, is
working on a project creating a map showing what happened in HK, would
be a fabulous tool for students.
QR code (Gerry) - Adding a QR code to our plaques would be a cost
effective way to add info for possible scanning and reference to our
Web site. Will follow up on the possibilities.
Date and Method of AGM (Mike) - It was decided to hold the 2021
AGM on June 15th, 2021 at 2 pm ET. Emails and|or letters will be sent
to all members in early May.
Region Reports
BC - Gerry reports that all is quiet on the coast.
Prairie - Carol reports that little is happening at this time
other than offering info to a teacher on the Battle of HK. Barry has
no response from Canada Post re late delivery of his stamp orders.
Quebec - Lucette reports little is happening at this time. Phil
will be celebrating a birthday on April 2. Wishes will be sent.
Atlantic- Bernie all is very quiet at this time. Will be
contacting Mr Fredette for his 104th birthday.
Ontario - Mike had a nice chat with George McDonell and he was
very complementary on our first virtual event.
Date of next Meeting (Mike) Apr 28, 2021
Adjournment - Meeting concluded at 9h 40 pm.
Mike called the meeting to order at 8 h 43 pm.
Approval of the Minutes of January 27, 2021, it was
proposed by Carol to accept the minutes as published and seconded by
Bernie. Carried.
Business arising from the Minutes
No business from Minutes
Financial Statement
Barry presented the Financial Statement for January 31, 2021. Having no
questions Barry moved to accept the statement as presented. Seconded by
Bernie. Carried.
Web - Jim - Received some correspondence following our request for
assistance re online registrations. Working with someone and will
follow up.
Online Services - Questions were raised by Barry to the difficulty
in finding where to pay dues. Lucette noted that some online payments
have gone to regions with no way to know who made these. Jim will look
into these problems with the programming matters.
Newsletter - Jim will soon be sending our Spring newsletter.
Membership - no report at this time.
New Business
2021 "Convention"- Mike presented a Proposed Program of events
with possible dates. People will need to register for these events and
1st event would be in March.
"The Fence" Documentary (Mike) - Presentation will be held towards
the end of the year.
Virtual contribution from the War Museum (Gail) Gail explained the
proposed possibilities for help and participation from the War Museum.
It was agreed to pursue with all offers of help from the War Museum,
or others.
Date and Method of AGM (Mike)- It was decided to hold the 2021 AGM
on June 15th, 2021 at 2 pm ET. Venue will be a hybrid Zoom call, which
includes telephone call-in to accommodate all members.
VAC Meeting on Future of Remembrance and Recognition in Canada
(Mike) - Mike attended VAC's announcement. There was little of
substance to report.
Métis Veterans Commemoration Program (Mike) - Métis Nation has
announced a veterans commemorative program. Mike will convene a
meeting to discuss whether we should participate.
Region Reports
BC - Gerry- All is quiet on the coast.
Prairie - Carol reports that little is happening at this time.
Happy Birthday greetings were sent to George Peterson on his 100th
birthday. Greetings to Vince Lopata for his health problems.
Ontario - Mike - all quiet at this time.
Quebec - Lucette reports little is happening at this time.
Atlantic - Bernie All is very quiet at this time.
Barry is preparing the Annual Report for the CRA.
Date of next Meeting (Mike) Mar 24, 2021
Adjournment - Meeting concluded at 10h 14 pm.
Mike called the meeting to order at 8 h 41 pm.
Approval of the Minutes of November 25, 2020, it was
proposed by Carol to accept the minutes as published and seconded by
Bernie. Carried.
Business arising from the Minutes
A letter of appreciation was sent to Viveka Melki.
Financial Statement
Barry presented the Financial Statements for November and December
2020. Barry explained the nice donation received from IBM in recognition
of Mike's work. The December statement reflects our Annual Financial
Report. Having no questions Barry moved to accept the statements as
presented. Seconded by Bernie. Carried.
Web, Online Services, Newsletter, Membership Reports (Jim) - Web -
Jim - There are many folks following 'C' Force topics on social media,
only some of which are members. An appeal to members might help
encourage our membership and possibly find someone to promote Facebook
or medias.
Online Services - Jim explains the limitations and his
concerns that in some cases the notification of paid individuals is
not being automatically generated to the Region and Treasurer. The
system needs to be upgraded and Jim advised that the services of a
professional programmer with expertise are needed. Suggestions were
made and will be considered. Jim will put a notice out to our members
in our Spring newsletter to discover if someone is interested within
our group of members.
Newsletter - Jim reviewed the numbers in his report. Will soon be
sending the notice soliciting articles for our Spring newsletter.
Membership as of December 2020. We have 442 Regular, 5 Veterans
and 81 Widows for a total of 528 members.
New Business
"The Fence" Documentary (Mike) - After comments from our Veterans and
observations from the BOD that it approaches the POW experience from quite
a different direction than we are used to, it is not wholly centred on
Canadians but a broader view of POWs, their backgrounds and their
experiences. Could be a good thing and something which enhances the film's
value in an educational context. Will look into this further.
"Convention" Proposed Program - Mike presented a draft Virtual Event Plan
for 2021 with proposed monthly topics and tentative Schedule. Many
suggestions were put forward. Mike will talk with Dan re using Facebook to
promote the events.
Region Reports
BC - Gerry - Gerry sent a copy of the Book of Remembrance to N.B.
All is quiet on the coast.
Prairie - Carol reports that little is happening at this time.
Happy Birthday greetings to be sent to George Peterson on his 100th
birthday. Congratulations The education event to be held in May will
not be happening this year and no news on other events. The Battle of
HK parade with the WP Grenadiers Cadets and flag ceremony at the
Legion did not happen but the Charleswood Legion flew the HK flag in
December. We lost a widow Ladena Mabley and member Gloria Sokalski in
Ontario - Mike - a comprehensive set of the HK panels are still on
display at the Niagara Military Museum and we can use them if needed.
On December 7 they also had a flag raising ceremony of the HKVCA flag,
on December 25 they lowered it. George MacDonell has donated his
medals to the Royal Canadian Military Institute, to be displayed in
their Medals Room along with the medals of BGD John Lawson and LT Kay
Quebec - Lucette reports the loss of a widow Elizabeth Pollock.
Little is happening at this time.
Atlantic - Bernie heard from a student doing a "Student Project"
on HK who was surprised to learn that very few people know about it.
Will be checking on our veterans.