Welcome to the HKVCA On-line Store

Here you'll find a combination of items for sale plus some that we're giving away if you'll pay the shipping. For each item, please note the instructions about how to buy/acquire it since we ship from several locations. In general, the best option is to use the "Contact Us" link at the top of this page.


Browse our BookstoreWe have so many books available that we've given them their own section. Go ahead and browse, but don't forget to come back here and see what else we have to offer.


Items for Sale

Ordering - Unless indicated otherwise, use the "Contact Us" link at the top of this page and we'll get right back to you.

Name Photo Description Cost
Special for our 80th Anniversary Commemoration!

Gander T-Shirts

Gander T shirt Click for larger image
Click for larger image
After accidentally scratching a child’s face, Gander’s original owner gave him to the Royal Rifles of Canada, a regiment of the Canadian Army stationed at Gander Airport, Newfoundland. The soldiers there “promoted” him to Sergeant and took him along with their unit to Hong Kong in the fall of 1941. In Hong Kong Gander helped fight the Japanese invaders on three occasions. The last time, Gander picked up a Japanese hand grenade and while rushing it back to the Japanese he sadly died in the ensuing explosion, but saved the lives of several wounded Canadian Soldiers.

These T-shirts, created by HKVCA member JP Bear, are a tribute to his memory that you can wear proudly.

Mens and Ladies sizes (also, in youth) Sizes are: S, M, L, XL, 2XL
$25.00 CAD
To order:
  1. send an email to Bear at, including the following information:
    • Quantity requested
    • Sizes
    • Your mailing address for postal delivery. Not needed if you intend to pick up the items at the 80th
  2. After he receives your email for your order he will send you an invoice that you will click on and then pay for your order using PayPal.
  3. Orders are shipped from Canada and include tax and postage.
Note: Orders must be received not later than May 16.
License Plate Cover (D) License Plate Cover - Click for larger image Significantly enhances the value of your car, and shows your good taste!

Note: In most jurisdictions, for front plate only

Posters and Maps (D)
  • Sai Wan (see bottom of this page)
  • Hong Kong Battle Maps
Drop us a line if interested TBA
Royal Rifles of Canada Honour Roll These plastic-coated copies measure 12” x 19” and are suitable for framing or can also be laminated $10.00 + $8.00 postage
Gravestone Markers Visit our Gravestone Marker page for details on purchasing and helping the project.
Member Pin (D) Click for larger view Lapel pin, replicating the crest

*For members only*

$5.00 plus $3.00 postage
Crest (D) Click for larger view Handsome Commemorative crest is ideal for the pocket of your blazer.

*For members only*


$25.00 plus $5.00 postage
Gander sketch no longer available.
DVDs (D)

Wall Dedication 13

Slaves of the Rising Sun 19

Compensation Story   2

Order the items above by providing details (item ordered, your name and address, method of payment, etc.) at the "Contact Us" email link at the top of this page.

Free to a Good Home

Your only cost is the postage, and an optional, but well appreciated donation.

Name Photo Description
Poster (D) Click for larger view Poster for the Year of the Veteran by VAC. It is a colour photograph of Sai Wan cemetery in HK.

Mailing cost for this is $1.25 for the mailing tube plus postage. Email the store to order and to find out postage amount.