Our Mission:

To educate all Canadians on the role of Canada's soldiers in the Battle of Hong Kong and on the effects of the internment of the battle’s survivors on both the soldiers and their families. We also assist in the support and welfare of Hong Kong veterans and their widows.

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Looking for Information on our Legacy of Remembrance?
HKVCA’S 80th Anniversary Reunion August 14th to 17th, 2025 in Ottawa

Visit our Information Centre - Reserve Your Room

In Memoriam:

Mavis Martin, widow of John Lionel Martin, RRC, on March 4, 2025. Obituary
(Item published on March 13)

Yvonne Still, mother of Prairie Region padre, Rev. Canon Murray Still, grandson of 'C' Force member Howard Joseph Oige, passed away recently.
(Item updated on March 13)

Marie Irene (Woodworth) Firlotte, widow of Lawrence Firlotte, RRC, on January 18, 2025
(Item published on March 15)

Latest Additions

Children, Families and Friends of the Far-East Prisoners of War

Take a gander at the Children, Families and Friends of the Far-East Prisoners of War (CoFEPoW) Newsletter (PDF) where their plans for commemoration of the 80th Anniversary are discussed.
(Item added on March 15)

Our National Newsletter - Published!

The Spring edition of our National Newsletter WASURERU-NAI is available for your reading pleasure.
(Item updated on March 6)

80th Anniversary Reunion

Things are heating up for our Legacy of Remembrance. Mike, Kathie and the Committee have been working hard to make this a truly memorable occasion. They've increased their meeting schedules as they deal with a mountain of details. Check our Information Centre to keep up to date and to get an early idea of the events that are planned.
(Item updated on March 6)

'C' Force Details and Reports

Our most visited service!

Individual Reports

Enter the 'C' Force member's last name below and click on Submit.

Not sure of the spelling? Enter at least the first three characters.

Visit our 'C' Force site featuring links to more reports along with background information including POW site maps and statistics.

The Battle and Beyond

Read various accounts of the battle.

Check out our book library to get an in-depth analysis of the politics, preparations, battle detail, POW experience, and post-war life.

Our Projects

Things we've completed or are working on

Memorial Wall (see image at the top of this page) - Built in Ottawa in 2009, this is Canada's tribute to the valour of 'C' Force.

Commemorative Plaques - memorializing 'C' Force in public venues across Canada.

Indigenous Research and Reconciliation - identifying and recognizing the Indigenous members of 'C' Force.

Gravestone Markers - our aim is to place a marker on each and every Hong Kong veteran's gravestone.

Memorial Wall QR Code for visitors - providing on-site aids for visitors to the Memorial Wall. (More to follow!)

Poems and Art We're collecting poems and drawings created over the years. Please help by submitting links and collections.

Link to our Facebook group - expanding our Hong Kong Veterans Tribute Group on Facebook, encouraging new membership and participation

Educating Canadians

Providing resources for researchers, educators and the public

record_voice_over Veterans' Personal Accounts - frank, harrowing, illuminating, mixed with the odd dab of humour

import_contacts Suggested Books - some in digital format on this site

attack symbolBattle History - links to various documents that describe the battle itself, plus events responsible for the 'C' Force deployment

Submissions - by historians, HKVCA members and others

school Teachers' Zone - resources for educators and students

Link to our YouTube channel Virtual Events on YouTube - interesting, educational discussions with authors and other experts

Image Gallery - photos and clippings from 1940 to today

Other Links and More References

Links to external sources, including video, audio and text

Related Links - many external sources collected over the years.

Canadian Veterans Hall of Valour (CVHV) - read about our Hong Kong veterans inducted into the CVHV.

external site Veterans Affairs Canada -> Remembrance

En français

Several of our personal accounts have been translated. Visit this page to see the list.


Memorabilia and collectibles

Special Assistance

Visiting Hong Kong? - we provide some help for you in organizing your trip

Tributes and Memorials - Tools and Guidance for those wishing to write their own tribute

Main image provided with the compliments of Richard Lawrence Photography